New Hope Bible Chapel

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Mark 3:31-32

Mark 3:31–32(NKJV): 31 Then His brothers and His mother came, and standing outside they sent to Him, calling Him. 32 And a multitude was sitting around Him; and they said to Him, “Look, Your mother and Your brothers are outside seeking You.”

His brothers and His mother were standing outside. let us take a look at His family. Here we find them outside the place where Jesus was teaching. Remember that just several verses prior they were trying to rescue Him because they thought He was out of His mind. Let's address the obvious here. First of all we must notice that Jesus' family was not part of His ministry. Yes, Jesus interacted with them at times, like the wedding feast at Caanon, but they did not follow Him nor acknowledge His earthly ministry. You might ask, didn't they see His supernatural gifts? Didn't they know that He was special? Yes and yes! But many people acknowledge the gifts and power of Jesus but would never be found "in the house" so to speak. Believing who Jesus is can never be a substitute for following Him. Perhaps His family thought their relationship to Him was enough to warrant their lack of commitment to His mission? We really cannot know, but one thing we can know, is that there are plenty of people today who value a relationship with Jesus that do not commit to His mission. Let this never be said if you.